Hiring Policy
Priority is given to village organisations to book the hall. The Trustees makes every effort to attract bookings for the hall and to maximise income.
Financial Policy
Hall hiring rates are reviewed by the Trustees annually and compared with the rates charged at other venues. Increases are kept to a minimum but are linked to inflation bearing in mind the need to keep sufficient funds for maintenance and future expenditure. The Treasurer annually reviews the charges levied for insurance and banking and the cost of utilities. We aim to take advantage of any offers that will reduce the hall’s outgoings.
Activities for Children
All bookings providing activities for children require the supervision of adults.
Guidlines for Hall Users
Please note that there are three rooms for hire and there may be several groups in the hall at the same time. The hiring agreement specifies the room/s booked and the use of additional rooms is restricted.
- The Hallmaster Trustee will provide the security code for the door entry system which opens the Hall and the specific rooms booked. The heating in the main hall is on a timer set to come on in time for the first booking and turns off fully at the end of the day although we ask that you turn the heating thermostat dial to zero upon leaving the Hall to help conserve oil. The oven and dishwasher are available for use by all hirers and are included in the hiring fee. Clear instructions are kept in the kitchen for all kitchen appliances. If the hearing loop/sound system are required, please request them when you book. If you wish to use the projector/screen in connection with a laptop for a presentation or to show a film this must be pre-booked if you require a volunteer Trustee to guide you through its use.
- Once your meeting has started, please keep the front door locked to prevent unauthorised access to the hall.
- Check you know where the fire exits are.
- Inform your meeting/group of the fire exits and assembly point.
- Keep emergency exits clear of obstructions.
- There is a No Smoking policy throughout the hall.
- In case of fire leave by the fire exits as quickly as possible and assemble in the car park at the assembly point, to the right of the shop.
- If there is time and there is no risk, check that the doors and windows are closed.
- Phone the fire brigade.
First Aid
A First Aid Box is kept in the Kitchen. Please fill in an Accident Report Form.
Emergency phone numbers
The phone numbers of the WHO?
Before leaving the Hall
- Return tables to where they were stacked in the area behind the stage.
- Check the hall is clean and tidy, as you found it. Brooms, etc, are kept in the sluice room, in the Disabled Toilet.
- Put all your kitchen waste and rubbish in a securely fastened black bag into the blue bin outside the back door.
- Report breakages to the Trustee Secretary [email protected]
- Check that all doors and windows are closed and locked.
- Turn off all lights and the heating, ensure all appliances have been turned off and the dishwasher cleaned and drained.
Health and Safety
Part 1: General Statement of Policy
- a) Provide healthy and safe working conditions, equipment, and systems of work for hirers, users, and other visitors.
- b) Keep the village hall and equipment in a safe condition for all users.
- c) Provide such advice and information as is necessary for Trustees, hirers, users, and other visitors.
It is the intention that the St. Tudy Village Hall Trustees comply with all relevant Health and Safety legislation and act positively where it can reasonably do so to prevent injury, ill health or any danger arising from its activities and operations.
St. Tudy Village Hall Trustees consider the promotion of the health and safety of those who use its premises, including contractors who may work there, to be of foremost importance. They recognise that the effective prevention of accidents depends as much on a committed attitude of mind to safety as on the operation and maintenance of equipment and safe systems of work.
The Trustees therefore encourage hall hirers, users and other visitors to engage in the establishment and observance of safe working and other practices and Trustees expect hirers, users and other visitors to recognise that there is a duty on them to comply with the practices of safety requirements as set out in the notices in the Hall to do everything they can to prevent injury to themselves or others.
Part 2: Organisation of Health and Safety
The Trustees of the St. Tudy Village Hall have overall responsibility for health and safety in the Hall and take day to day responsibility for the implementation of this policy.
It is the duty of all hirers, users, and other visitors to take care of themselves and others who may be affected by their activities and co-operate with the Trustees in keeping these premises safe.
It is the duty of hirers to ensure adequate safeguards are in place to protect the well-being of the disabled, children and vulnerable adults.
Should anyone using the hall come across a fault, damage or other situation which might cause injury and cannot be rectified immediately, they should inform ………??…………immediately.
Where equipment is damaged or otherwise faulty, a notice should be placed on it warming that it is not to be used and they should inform………….?……….immediately.
Report any concerns to the Trustee Secretary regarding the First Aid Box, Accidents, Fire, Damage, Insurance concerns by emailing [email protected]
The plan of the hall shows:
- Fire Alarm is situated by the main door to the hall.
- Location of oil boiler, emergency exits and fire doors, fire alarm points and fire extinguishers.
- Carbon Monoxide detector
Part 3: Arrangements and Procedures
- The St. Tudy Village Hall is licensed to:
- Sell and serve Alcohol on the premises
- Hirers must book the Bar room before their event. Hirers wishing to provide their own alcohol must pay the £21 fee, as indicated on the Hallmaster booking form at the time of booking. Play music, singing and dancing Premises licence number 01556829
2. The Trustees have a Fire Risk Assessment carried out annually in accordance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
3. The Trustees have an annual PAT test on all equipment carried out.
Point of contact for Emergency:
Caretaker: David Smith telephone 01208-850582